11 research outputs found

    On the Impact of Forgetting on Learning Machines

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    People tend not to have perfect memories when it comes to learning, or to anything else for that matter. Most formal studies of learning, however, assume a perfect memory. Some approaches have restricted the number of items that could be retained. We introduce a complexity theoretic accounting of memory utilization by learning machines. In our new model, memory is measured in bits as a function of the size of the input. There is a hierarchy of learnability based on increasing memory allotment. The lower bound results are proved using an unusual combination of pumping and mutual recursion theorem arguments. For technical reasons, it was necessary to consider two types of memory: long and short term

    Quantum computation with devices whose contents are never read

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    In classical computation, a "write-only memory" (WOM) is little more than an oxymoron, and the addition of WOM to a (deterministic or probabilistic) classical computer brings no advantage. We prove that quantum computers that are augmented with WOM can solve problems that neither a classical computer with WOM nor a quantum computer without WOM can solve, when all other resource bounds are equal. We focus on realtime quantum finite automata, and examine the increase in their power effected by the addition of WOMs with different access modes and capacities. Some problems that are unsolvable by two-way probabilistic Turing machines using sublogarithmic amounts of read/write memory are shown to be solvable by these enhanced automata.Comment: 32 pages, a preliminary version of this work was presented in the 9th International Conference on Unconventional Computation (UC2010

    Nondeterministic Query Algorithms

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    Query algorithms are used to compute Boolean functions. The definition of the function is known, but input is hidden in a black box. The aim is to compute the function value using as few queries to the black box as possible. As in other computational models, different kinds of query algorithms are possible: deterministic, probabilistic, as well as nondeterministic. In this paper, we present a new alternative definition of nondeterministic query algorithms and study algorithm complexity in this model. We demonstrate the power of our model with an example of computing the Fano plane Boolean function. We show that for this function the difference between deterministic and nondeterministic query complexity is 7N versus O(3N)

    On computation in the limit by non-deterministic Turing machines

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    KlimatfrĂ„gan Ă€r ett exempel pĂ„ en frĂ„ga som varit nĂ€rvarande i det offentliga samtalet under en lĂ„ng tidsperiod, men som pĂ„ kort tid har gĂ„tt frĂ„n att vara ett Ă€mne som framför allt diskuterats inom vetenskapssamhĂ€llet och pĂ„ den politiska arenan, till att förekomma i stort sett dagligen i mediedebatten och i lekmĂ€ns vardagssamtal. Alltsedan klimatfrĂ„gan först började diskuteras pĂ„ den vetenskapliga arenan har den omgĂ€rdats av olika typer av osĂ€kerhet. I en analys av hur diskursen om klimatförĂ€ndringar gestaltat sig pĂ„ olika samhĂ€lleliga arenor pekar Corfee-Morlot m fl (2007) pĂ„ att den vetenskapliga diskussionen Ă€nnu in pĂ„ 1980-talet karakteriserades av en grundlĂ€ggande osĂ€kerhet. Debatten gĂ€llde om det fanns skĂ€l att överhuvudtaget tala om en vĂ€xt-huseffekt med global uppvĂ€rmning och förĂ€ndrade nederbördsmönster som konsekvens. Vidare har vetenskapssamhĂ€llet diskuterat om kli-matförĂ€ndringarna i sĂ„ fall Ă€r en följd av mĂ€nniskans utslĂ€pp av vĂ€xthusgaser, eller om de har naturliga orsaker. Denna grundlĂ€ggande osĂ€kerhet har numera till stor del försvunnit frĂ„n den vetenskapliga arenan. En majoritet av klimatforskare Ă€r idag ense om att vi har en klimatförĂ€ndring som till stor del Ă€r ett resultat av mĂ€nsklig pĂ„verkan (IPCC 2007). DĂ€remot finns det oenighet pĂ„ det vetenskapliga planet om hur stora klimatförĂ€ndringarna kan vĂ€ntas bli och vilka effekter de kommer att fĂ„ i olika delar av vĂ€rlden. PĂ„ det politiska planet har strider uppstĂ„tt kring hur klimatförĂ€ndringarna ska mötas (Featherstone m fl 2009)– hur stora utslĂ€ppsminskningar behövs och vem ska stĂ„ för de minskade utslĂ€ppen? Vilka anpassningar behöver göras pĂ„ lokalt, na-tionellt och internationellt plan för att hantera samhĂ€llets sĂ„rbarhet inför klimatförĂ€ndringarnas effekter, sĂ„som exempelvis ras, skred och översvĂ€mningar? I denna debatt, som fĂ„tt stort utrymme i media under den senaste tiden, exponeras allmĂ€nheten för en rad motstridiga budskap. Det framhĂ„lls ofta att alla mĂ„ste ta sitt ansvar för att skapa mer ”klimatsmarta” och hĂ„llbara livsstilar (t ex SOU 2005:51). Hur en sĂ„dan livsstil bör se ut Ă€r dĂ€remot inte lika tydligt. Det svenska samhĂ€llets sĂ„rbarhet för ras och skred har lyfts fram i klimat- och sĂ„rbarhetsutredningen, som lades fram Ă„r 2007 och som fick stor uppmĂ€rksamhet i svenska media. Utredningen pekar pĂ„ att antalet dagar med kraftig nederbörd kommer att öka under vinter, vĂ„r och höst i stora delar av Sverige. Detta tillsammans med ökande flöden i vattendrag samt höjda och varierande grundvattennivĂ„er medför en ökad risk för skred och ras. Störst Ă€r risken i VĂ€nerlandskapen, östra Svealand, Göta Älvdalen och utmed större delen av ostkusten (SOU 2007: 60). Diskussioner förs pĂ„ lokal, regional och nationell nivĂ„ kring hur man bör anpassa sig till riskerna. Samtidigt finns det inte en entydig anpassningsstrategi som passar överallt. SGI pekar i sin underlags-rapport till klimat- och sĂ„rbarhetsutredningen pĂ„ att konsekvenserna av klimatförĂ€ndringarna i form av ras och skred kommer att se olika ut i olika delar av Sverige. DĂ€rmed behövs ocksĂ„ olika lokala anpassningsstrategier (SGI 2008). I detta ligger en kommunikationsutmaning. Hur kan man kommunicera vetenskapligt underbyggda klimatbudskap till olika mĂ„lgrupper med olika bakgrund och olika tolkningsramar? Hur hanteras osĂ€kerheter i kommunikationsprocessen? Denna text syftar till att belysa forskning kring klimatkommunikation och allmĂ€nhetens förstĂ„else av klimatfrĂ„gan samt att diskutera hur osĂ€kerheter kan kommuniceras i olika sammanhang. Jag kommer att argumentera för att en öppen diskussion kring dataosĂ€kerheter och osĂ€kerhet kring mĂ„l för utslĂ€ppsminskning och anpassningsstrategier i vissa fall kan fungera som en viktig del i att forma sĂ„ kallade ”extended peer communities”, dĂ€r mĂ„nga aktörer tillsammans kan engageras i arbetet för att hantera klimatutmaningarna

    The Functions of Finite Support: A Canonical Learning Problem

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    The functions of finite support have played a ubiquitous role in the study of inductive inference since its inception. In addition to providing a clear and simple example of a learnable class, the functions of finite support are employed in many proofs that distinguish various types and features of learning. Recent results show that this ostensibly simple class requires as much space to learn as any other learnable set and, furthermore, is as intrinsically difficult as any other learnable set. Since the class of functions of finite support sit at the top of two very different complexity hierarchies, this class is a candidate for being a canonical learning problem. We argue for this point in the paper and discuss the ramifications

    The Functions of Finite Support: A Canonical Learning Problem

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    The functions of finite support have played a ubiquitous role in the study of inductive inference since its inception. In addition to providing a clear and simple example of a learnable class, the functions of finite support are employed in many proofs that distinguish various types and features of learning. Recent results show that this ostensibly simple class requires as much space to learn as any other learnable set and, furthermore, is as intrinsically difficult as any other learnable set. Since the class of functions of finite support sit at the top of two very different complexity hierarchies, this class is a candidate for being a canonical learning problem. We argue for this point in the paper and discuss the ramifications

    Deterministic Frequency Pushdown Automata

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    A set L is (m, n)-computable iff there is a mechanism which on input of n different words produces n conjectures whether these words are in L, respectively, such that at least m of these conjectures are right. Prior studies dealt with (m, n)- computable sets in the contexts of recursion theory, complexity theory and the theory of finite automata. The present work aims to do this with respect to computations by deterministic pushdown automata (using one common stack while processing all input words in parallel). We prove the existence of a deterministic context-free language L which is recognised by an (1, 1)-DPDA but fails to be recognised by any (m, n)-DPDA, where n ≄ 2 and m ≄ n/2+1. This answers a question posed by Eli Shamir at LATA 2013. Furthermore, it is shown that there is a language L such that, for all m, n with m ≀ n/2, L can be recognised by an (m, n)-DPDA but, for all m, n with 1 ≀ m ≀ n, L cannot be recognised by (m, n)-DFA

    A Combinatorial Model of Two-Sided Search

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    Aydinian H, Cicalese F, Deppe C, Lebedev V. A Combinatorial Model of Two-Sided Search. In: Freivalds RM, Engels G, Catania B, eds. SOFSEM 2016: Theory and Practice of Computer Science. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol 9587. Berlin: Springer; 2016: 148-160